Open Street Map

In Open Street Map scenario, What does Numerology 0 and Numerology 1 refers to?

Hi Farhan,

It corresponds to the numerology defined in 5G.


Hi Charmae,

Thanks! Reference results of this scenario, there are 8 figures. For plots in fig 2 - fig 6 are they for 5g or for LTE? Can you explain a bit?

Hi Farhan,

Figures 2 to 7 account for all the users. In Figure 8, Numerology 1 corresponds to the 5G users, while Numerology 0 corresponds to the LTE users.

Kind regards,

Hi Charmae,

Regarding Packets Latency graph, Why ECDF is not reaching to 1, ideally it should go to 1 as per my understanding? Can you please explain?

can you please check if we change the traffic model to another then constant rate we get error. Can you please resolve. I got the below when I used
UsersLTE.trafficModelType = parameters.setting.TrafficModelType.Video;

Vienna 5G System Level Simulator
(c) 2018-2023, Institute of Telecommunications (ITC), TU Wien
This work has been funded by the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Dependable Wireless Connectivity for the Society in Motion.

By using this simulator, you agree to the license terms stated in the license agreement included with this work.

Calculating INI factors for 1 numerology pair(s).
simulating chunk 1…
Loading UE fast fading from dataFiles/channelTraces/1491e41b2bbc3941f974c700064cd3916e5be3e8.mat.
Loading UE fast fading from dataFiles/channelTraces/e247f5e239b15129f7c69bb43f9f106edc244b34.mat.
Simulation done. (elapsed time: 1.991804e+01 s)
The logical indices in position 1 contain a true value outside of the array bounds.

Error in launcherFiles.launcherOpenStreetMap (line 68)
dl = result.userThroughputMBitPerSec.DL(userMask, :);

The ECDF does not reach one because not all packets that are generated by the traffic model are transmitted within the simulation time. The simulation stops at the predefined time regardless of the state of the packet buffer of the users. Another reason could be that some users are in outage and do not have the necessary channel quality to make a successful transmission.

In the post-processing users that do not generate traffic are filtered out of the throughput results in order to not distort the throughput ECDF. The example scenarios have very short simulation time presets in order to run through fast and make the results available quickly. They are meant to showcase the capabilities of the simulator, not to generate meaningful simulation results. If a traffic model is set that has long generation times, the filtering in the launcher file conflicts with the filtering in the post-processing. I recommend using the debugging tools that Matlab provides, such as using the pause on error functionality and setting breakpoints.

Thank for your reply, I want to ask the rationale behind composite base station i.e. LTE and 5G. Why not all 5G, what advantage does composite base station has?

The advantage of the composite base station is that it can serve LTE users and 5G users.

If we use centerFrequencyGHz = 24;
Will it be reasonable as LTE doesn’t support mmwave but 5G does and as it’s a composite base station, is this logical?

In this scenario, it says each base station is equipped with a 5G and an LTE antenna and an equal number of 5G and LTE users are in the network, my question is if the base station is 5G or LTE as it is having two different types of antenna’s, can you please elaborate.

Moreover, how this spectrumSchedulerType.dynamicTraffic works, as not sufficient explanation is given in the Manual.

The simulator does not require the simulations to be standard compliant, you are free to set the parameters as you see fit. Make sure that the models you use are compatible with your settings. The path loss models for example often have a limited frequency range for which they are valid.

The functionality is explained in the section Technologies and Numerologies of the user manual. You can imagine the base station as two base stations that operate on different frequency bands. The dynamic traffic scheduler assigns the bands according to the amount of traffic each base station has to serve.