unfortunately, the structure of the scheduler in the LTE simulator and the 5G simulator are quite different, so I’m afraid the LTE simulator implementation is not a good template.
To implement a proportional fair scheduler in the 5G simulator, the trickiest part would probably be to add the throughput (or other metric for which you want to achieve fairness) to the scheduler input. Then, write your proportional fair scheduler in a new scheduler class.
In the next release planned for the end of October 2023, a scheduler with a fairness metric based on throughput is included, which would solve the first part of the task for you.
I would like to know if there is a proportional fair scheduling algorithm program for this simulator system, and if anyone can help, thank you very much.
Best regards,
currently, there is no proportional fair scheduling algorithm implemented. The closest to a proportional fair scheduler would be the QoS-aware scheduling algorithm.
A proportional fair scheduler is under implementation and will likely be released by the end of next year.