RIS Scenario

Hi sir,
I chose modulation.precoding=‘digital’ ,when i implement ,appear
Warning: For fully digital precoding the number of port is set equal to the number of antennas

In Parameters/SimulationParameters/checkParameters (line 317)
In Parameters/SimulationParameters (line 30)
In main (line 25)
please help me to understand this warning
best grads

Dear Roaa,

If you choose digital precoding, the number of ports must equal the number of antennas (for Tx and Rx). The warning indicates that for fully digital precoding, the number of ports is set equal to the number of antennas, i.e., you have as many RF chains as antennas.


Thanks for response
I tried so much to remove this warning
if it possible to help me for knowledge the error in any parameters
% parameter file for the RIS scenario
% The idea behind this scenario is, to show all possible options for all
% parameters. It is also a good starting point to define your own
% simulation scenarios.

% The scenario consists of two BSs, two UEs, and two RISs. Each BS controls
% a RIS and is connected to one UE. RIS1 has eight elements, and RIS2 has
% 16 elements. As expected, we observe a 3 dB gain when we double the
% number of RIS elements.

%% Topology
% Specifiy all the nodes in ascending order with starting index of 1 (BS0 or UE0 is not allowed).

scStr.topology.nodes = [‘BS1,BS2,UE1,UE2,RIS1,RIS2’]; % Specify all nodes in the network

% Primary (desired) links
scStr.topology.primaryLinks = [‘BS1:UE1,’ …
]; % Links to be considered as disired links

scStr.topology.RISControllerBS = [‘BS1,BS2’];

% Interference Links
scStr.topology.interferenceGeneration = ‘Manual’; % Generation of interference links
% ‘Automatic’ automatically generates all possible interference links
% ‘Manual’ manually choose interference links and their attenuation

scStr.topology.interferer.attenuation = 500; % In dB, for all links under ‘Automatic’ generation
scStr.topology.interferer.kFactor = 0;
scStr.topology.interferingLinks = [‘’]; % For ‘Manual’ generation, specifiy the interference links
% Value after the * symbol denotes the attenuation in dB.
% BS1:UE3*20 means that the link from BS1 to UE3 is an
% interference link with attenuation equal to 20 dB;

scStr.topology.secondaryGeneration = ‘Manual’; % Generation of interference links
% ‘Automatic’ automatically generates all possible secondary links
% ‘Manual’ manually choose interference links and their attenuation
scStr.topology.secondary.pathloss = 50;
scStr.topology.secondary.kFactor = 10;

scStr.topology.secondaryLinks = [‘BS1:RIS160,RIS1:UE1110,BS2:RIS260,RIS2:UE2110’];

%% Geometric Layout Parameters
scStr.topology.geometricLayout =false ; % The following parameters are only used when this is set to true

% Position of nodes
scStr.topology.nodesPosition{1} = [257,274,10]; % Position of the nodes (x,y,z)[m]
scStr.topology.nodesPosition{2} = [654,396,10];
scStr.topology.nodesPosition{3} = [116,274,1.5];
scStr.topology.nodesPosition{4} = [550,350,1.5];

% Pathloss model
scStr.simulation.pathLossModel.Type = ‘breakPoint’; %‘freeSpace’,‘breakPoint’,‘rural’,‘urban’,‘subUrbanMacro’
scStr.simulation.pathLossModel.alpha = 2;
scStr.simulation.pathLossModel.alpha2 = 3.9;
scStr.simulation.pathLossModel.breakDistance = 50;
scStr.simulation.pathLossModel.averageBuildingHeight = 1;

%% General Simulation Parameters
% Set link types to simulate
scStr.simulation.simulateDownlink = true; % Downlink
scStr.simulation.simulateUplink = false; % Uplink

% set duplexing mode (frame structure)
scStr.simulation.frameStructure = ‘FDD’; % ‘TDD’ or ‘FDD’

% Plot options
scStr.simulation.plotResultsFor = [1]; % Choose the nodes that will get their results plotted (1 or 0 for each node).
% Enter a single 1 if you want the results of all nodes to be plotted, or 0 if you want no plots.

scStr.simulation.plotOverSNR = false; % Select to plot results over SNR instead of pathloss (if pathloss is selected as the sweep parameter).
scStr.simulation.plotPAPR = false; % Select to toggle the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) calculation and plots
scStr.simulation.saveData = false; % Set to true to save bits and symbols.

% Define a sweep parameter
scStr.simulation.sweepParam = {‘simulation.txPowerBaseStation’}; % Define the parameter to sweep over. This can be almost any simulation parameter.
% Most likely it will be the pathloss to obtain results over SNR.
% ‘simulation.pathloss’
% ‘topology.secondary.pathloss’

scStr.simulation.sweepValue = linspace(35,60,5); % Define parameter values to sweep over. A good starting point for the pathloss is 150 to 110.

scStr.simulation.applySweepingTo = [1]; % Define the nodes (or links, depending on the sweep parameter) on which the sweep parameter will be applied (1 or 0 for each node/link).
% All other nodes (or links) set to 0 here will use the custom values entered below.
% Enter a single 1 if you want all of them to be swept over.
% Number of simulation frames
scStr.simulation.nFrames = 100; % Number of frames to simulate per sweep value, adjust to obtain sufficiently small confidence intervals.

%% Physical Transmission Parameters
scStr.simulation.centerFrequency = 28e9; % center frequency

scStr.simulation.txPowerBaseStation = [43]; % per BS; BS total transmit power in dBm
scStr.simulation.txPowerUser = [30]; % per UE; UE total transmit power in dBm

scStr.simulation.codebook = ‘5G’; % ‘LTE’ or ‘5G’
scStr.simulation.nAntennasBaseStation = {2}; % per BS: number of antennas at the BS
% per BS: if the 5G codebook is selected, each vector represents the number of horizontal and vertical antennas[N1,N2]
% Supported configurations (N1,N2):
% 4 Ports: (2,1)
% 8 Ports: (2,2), (4,1)
% 12 Ports: (3,2),(6,1)
% 16 Ports: (4,2), (8,1)
% 24 Ports: (4,3), (6,2),(12,1)
% 32 Ports: (4,4), (8,2), (16,1)

scStr.simulation.nAntennasUser = [1]; % per UE; number of antennas at the user
scStr.simulation.userVelocity = [0]; % per UE; velocity in m/s

scStr.simulation.pathloss = [150]; % per primary link, channel pathloss in dB, this is most likely swept over

% Nonlinearity model
scStr.simulation.nonlinearity = false; % Apply Rapp’s PA nonlinear model: Rapp, C. “Effects of HPA-nonlinearity on a 4-DPSK/OFDM-signal for a digital sound broadcasting signal.”
scStr.simulation.amplifierOBO = [1]; % Amplifier output back-off, per Link, in dB
scStr.simulation.smoothnessFactor = [3]; % Smoothness factor for the Rapp model, per Link, >=0

% RIS related parameters
scStr.simulation.nElementsRIS = {20,25};
scStr.simulation.reflectCoefficientRIS = 1;

%% Channel Parameters
scStr.channel.dopplerModel = ‘Jakes’; % implementation of a Doppler spectrum:
% ‘Jakes’
% ‘Uniform’
% ‘Discrete-Jakes’
% ‘Discrete-Uniform’

scStr.channel.timeSubsamplingFactor = 10; % for time-varying channels (10 is a good starting point). This reduces the computational time of the channel realizations
% at the cost of some accuracy loss. Set it to 1 for no time subsampling. Check the manual for more information.

scStr.channel.correlatedFrames = false; % channel time correlation between frames

scStr.channel.spatialCorrelation = ‘none’; % spatial correlation according to TS36.101, Annex B
% ‘none’: spatial correlation model is deactivated
% ‘low’: no spatial correlation
% ‘medium’: correlation at UE and BS, but higher at UE
% ‘high’: high correlation at UE and at BS

scStr.channel.nPaths = 50; % number of propagation paths for the Doppler model
% for time correlated fading 10 is sufficient, otherwise 50 or higher

scStr.channel.powerDelayProfile = ‘Flat’; % power delay profile model, possible choices are:
% ‘AWGN’
% ‘Flat’
% ‘PedestrianA’
% ‘PedestrianB’
% ‘VehicularA’
% ‘VehicularB’
% ‘ExtendedPedestrianA’
% ‘ExtendedVehicularA’
% ‘HillyTerrain’
% ‘TDL-A_45ns’

% Two-Wave with Diffuse Power (TWDP) small scale fading model:
% Parameters for the time-invariant case for all users
% These parameters will be carried out only if all users are stationary, i.e the userVelocity parameter is zero for all users
% If there is a mix of moving and stationary users, Rayleigh fading will be assigned to the stationary ones!
scStr.channel.K = 0; % TWDP model parameter K, K > 0
scStr.channel.delta = 1; % TWDP model parameter delta, 0 >= delta >= 1
% TWDP parameters and the represented statistic:
% K >> ; delta = 0 : No fading
% K > 0 ; delta = 0 : Rician fading
% K = 0 ; delta arbitrary : Rayleigh fading
% K >> ; delta ~ 1 : Hyper-Rayleigh fading

% Spatial channel model parameters
scStr.channel.spatialChannelModel = false; % for a 3D channel, this parameter has to be set to true
scStr.channel.nSpatialPaths = 20; % Number of paths for the NLOS impulse response
scStr.channel.LOSangleSigmaAOA = 0; % in Degrees; Standard Deviation of the LOS AOA distribution
scStr.channel.LOSangleSigmaZOA = 0; % in Degrees; Standard Deviation of the LOS ZOA distribution
scStr.channel.NLOSangleSigmaAOA = 50; % in Degrees; Standard Deviation of the NLOS AOA distribution
scStr.channel.NLOSangleSigmaZOA = 50; % in Degrees; Standard Deviation of the NLOS ZOA distribution
scStr.channel.angleMeanAOA = [60]; % per Link; in Degrees; Mean Azimuth angle Of Arrival (AOA); Serves as receiver orientation and angular distribution for the LOS part, between [0,360)
scStr.channel.angleMeanZOA = [45]; % per Link; in Degrees; Mean Zenith angle Of Arrival (ZOA); Serves as receiver orientation and angular distribution for the LOS part, between [0,180)
scStr.channel.kFactor = [15]; % per Link; Rician k-Factor in dB
scStr.channel.antennaSpacing = [1/2]; % per Node; Spacing between antenna elements; given in multiples of the wavelength

%% Channel Estimation and Equalization Parameters
scStr.simulation.channelEstimationMethod = ‘Approximate-Perfect’; % channel estimation method:
% ‘Approximate-Perfect’
% ‘PilotAided’

scStr.simulation.noisePowerEstimation = false; % if the noise and interference power are estimated
% true: estimate interference and noise power at RX
% false: use perfect knowledge of noise power, neglect interference power

scStr.simulation.pilotPatternDownlink = ‘Rectangular’; % pilot symbol allocation pattern for Downlink links
scStr.simulation.pilotPatternUplink = ‘LTE Uplink’; % pilot symbol allocation pattern for Uplink links
% ‘Rectangular’
% ‘Diamond’
% ‘LTE Downlink’
% ‘LTE Uplink’

% pilot spacing settings for the ‘Rectangular’ and the ‘Diamond’ pilot pattern
scStr.simulation.pilotSpacingFrequency = 6; % pilot spacing in frequency domain (may be fractions of subcarriers)
scStr.simulation.pilotSpacingTime = 3.5; % pilot spacing in time domain (may be fraction of symbols)

scStr.simulation.pilotSequenceLength = 12; % length of orthogonal pilot symbol sequence
% In Multi-user MIMO, this is the maximum number of users supported with channel estimation.

%% MIMO Parameters
% Layer mapping
scStr.layerMapping.mode = ‘5G’; % ‘LTE’: TS 36.211 V13.2.0 Table 5.3.2A.2-1
% ‘5G’: TS 38.211 V15.2.0 Table
% ‘custom’: based on the layer mapping table
% custom layer mapping table
scStr.layerMapping.table.Uplink = {1;2;[1,2]};
scStr.layerMapping.table.Downlink = {1;2;[1,2]}; % table{n} represents the codeword to layer mapping for n layers,
% table{3} = [1,2] the length of the array equals the number of
% codewords and each entery represents the number of layers the codeword is
% mapped to.
% MIMO mode
scStr.schedule.multiuserMode.Downlink = {‘none’}; % per BS; ‘MUST’, ‘ZF-MUMIMO’, ‘BD-MUMIMO’ and ‘MRT-MUMIMO’ are supported
scStr.schedule.multiuserMode.Uplink = {‘none’}; % per BS; ‘ZF-MUMIMO’ and ‘MMSE-MUMIMO’ are supported
scStr.schedule.multiuserMode.UplinkIC = [0]; % Interference cancellation (IC) at the BS; 0 for no IC, 1 for single IC pass, 2 for two, etc.

% MUST power allocation
scStr.modulation.MUSTIdx = [2]; % per BS; the power allocation index of the 3GPP MUST mode = {0, 1, 2, 3}.

% Transmission modes for single user MIMO
scStr.modulation.transmissionMode = ‘custom’; % ‘OLSM’ open loop spatial multiplexing
% ‘CLSM’ closed loop spatial multiplexing
% ‘TxD’ transmit diversity
% ‘custom’ for the custom mode the feedback has to be configured manually (see scStr.feedback)
scStr.modulation.delayDiversity = 1; % 0 no delay 1 large delay diversity (only for OLSM)

scStr.modulation.nStreams = [1]; % per Link; number of active spatial streams
% MIMO Precoding:
% The precoding matrix needs to be of size [nAntennaPorts x nStreams]
scStr.modulation.precodingMatrix{1} = ones(1,1); % per link; precoding matrix

scStr.simulation.receiverTypeMIMO = ‘MMSE’; % MIMO detector: ‘ZF’,‘MMSE’,‘Sphere’,‘ML’

%% Hybrid Precoding Parameters
scStr.modulation.precodingScheme = ‘digital’; % The two supported schemes are: hybrid and digital.
% The following parameters have to be set only when hybrid precoding to
% chosen
scStr.simulation.nAntennaPortsBaseStation = [2]; % per BS
scStr.simulation.nAntennaPortsUser = [1]; % per UE

% Per Node, the analog precoder need to be of size [nAntennas x
% nAntennaPorts] (has to be set if precodingScheme is set to hybrid)
scStr.modulation.analogPrecoder{1} = ones(1,1); % per node
scStr.modulation.analogPrecoder{2} = 1;
scStr.modulation.analogPrecoder{3} = 1;

scStr.modulation.analogReceiveFilter{1} = ones(1,1); % per node
scStr.modulation.analogReceiveFilter{2} = 1;
scStr.modulation.analogReceiveFilter{3} = 1;

%% Feedback Parameters
scStr.feedback.delay = 0; % Feedback Delay

scStr.feedback.averager.Type = ‘miesm’; % Method used to calculate an effective SNR
% ‘eesm’
% ‘miesm’

scStr.modulation.cqiTable = 1; % CQI table selection
% TS 36.213 V15.8.0
% 0: Table 7.2.3-1 (QPSK to 64 QAM)
% 1: Table 7.2.3-2 (QPSK to 256 QAM)
% 2: Table 7.2.3-4 (QPSK to 1024-QAM)
% CQI selection
scStr.modulation.mcs = [15]; % 1 to 15, per link

% for the custom transmission mode the following parameters are used to configure the feedback
scStr.feedback.enable = false; % set this to ture to enable the feedback
% when the feedback is enabled the following parameters are used to configure the individual indicators:
scStr.feedback.pmi = false;
scStr.feedback.ri = false;
scStr.feedback.cqi = false;

%% Modulation Parameters
% Waveform
scStr.modulation.waveform = {‘OFDM’}; % per BS; employed transmission waveform:
% ‘SC’ - single carrier pulse amplitude modulation
% ‘OFDM’ - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
% ‘FBMC’ - Filer Bank MultiCarrier
% ‘UFMC’ - Universal Filtered MultiCarrier
% ‘f-OFDM’ - filtered OFDM
% ‘WOLA’ - Weighted OverLap and Add

scStr.modulation.spreadingTransformDownlink = ‘none’; % symbol spreading transformation, to use in combination with
scStr.modulation.spreadingTransformUplink = ‘none’; % LTE Uplink pilot pattern, either ‘none’ or ‘DFT’

% Parameters for SC
scStr.modulation.pulseShapeFilter = ‘RRC’; % pulse shape for single carrier modulation: ‘rectangular’ or ‘RRC’
scStr.modulation.rollOffFactor = 0.22; % spectral roll-off factor for SC modulation, may be within 0…1

% Parameters for FBMC
scStr.modulation.prototypeFilter = ‘PHYDYAS-OQAM’; % prototype filter for FBMC:
% ‘Hermite-OQAM’
% ‘Hermite-QAM’
% ‘Rectangle-QAM’
% Parameters for UFMC
scStr.modulation.nSubcarriersPerSubband = [12]; % number of subcarriers per subband

% Numerology setup
scStr.modulation.numberOfSubcarriers = [3000]; % per BS; number of used subcarriers
scStr.modulation.subcarrierSpacing = [120e3]; % per BS; per base station in Hz
scStr.modulation.nSymbolsTotal = [120]; % per BS; total number of time-symbols per frame, the frame duration will be nSymbolsTotal/subcarrierSpacing
scStr.modulation.nGuardSymbols = [1]; % per BS; select how many of the total time-symbols will be used as guard symbols (cyclic prefix in OFDM)
scStr.modulation.samplingRate = ‘Automatic’; % there is a single sampling rate for all nodes (all users and all base stations):
% either numeric value for manual setting or ‘Automatic’

%% Channel Coding Parameters
scStr.coding.code = {‘LDPC’}; % per Link; channel code:
% ‘Turbo’
% ‘LDPC’
% ‘TB-Convolutional’
% ‘Polar’

scStr.coding.decoding = {‘PWL-Min-Sum’}; % per Link; decoding algorithm (* indicates the recommended algorithm for speed and performance):
% TB-Convolutional: ‘Log-MAP’, ‘Max-Log-MAP’*
% Turbo: ‘Log-MAP’, ‘Max-Log-MAP’, ‘Linear-Log-MAP’*
% LDPC: ‘Sum-Product’, ‘Min-Sum’, ‘PWL-Min-Sum’*
% Polar: ‘List-SC’, ‘CRC-List-SC’*

scStr.coding.decodingIterations = [16]; % per Link; number of decoding iterations or list size (typically 8 for turbo, 16 for LDPC, 8 for polar)

scStr.coding.LLRsCalculationMethod = ‘Max-Log’; % The method for the calculation of the log-likelihood ratios:
% ‘Exact’
% ‘Max-Log’
% For high speed and numerical stability, we highly recommend using ‘Max-Log’. Use ‘Exact’ only if you are testing a very specific scenario with a guaranteed stable input range.

scStr.coding.softBufferRatio = [1]; % per link; buffer ratio for limited buffer rate matching (LBRM). Values are in the range 0 to 1. Enter 1 for 100% usage of the soft buffer.

%% Schedule
% static schedule per base station
scStr.schedule.fixedScheduleDL{1} = [‘UE1:3000’]; % schedule for BS1 downlink
scStr.schedule.fixedScheduleDL{2} = [‘UE2:3000’];
scStr.schedule.fixedScheduleUL{1} = [‘UE1:72’]; % schedule for BS1 uplink
scStr.schedule.fixedScheduleUL{2} = [‘UE2:72’];

Dear Roaa,

This is not an error; it is just a warning so that people are aware that for fully digital precoding, the number of ports is set to the number of antennas and that the parameters in the section ‘Hybrid Precoding Parameters’ are ignored.

If you go to ‘Parameters/SimulationParameters/checkParameters (line 317)’, you can see that this warning appears whenever digital precoding is selected. If you do not want the warning to appear, remove line 371 from Parameters/SimulationParameters/checkParameters.

