I’m trying to define users with different type of traffic model in the openStreetMap.m scenario.
Based on the code implemented in the script and listed below, it looks like all the users should have the same parameters. In the example below, is it possible to choose randomly one of the possible traffic models for each of the 100 users instead of giving CostantRate to all of them?
Many thanks in advance!
Users5G = parameters.user.Poisson2D;
Users5G.nElements = 100;
Users5G.nRX = 1;
Users5G.channelModel = parameters.setting.ChannelModel.PedB;
Users5G.trafficModel.type = parameters.setting.TrafficModelType.ConstantRate;
Users5G.trafficModel.size = 94*5;
Users5G.trafficModel.numSlots = 2;
Users5G.numerology = 1;
Users5G.technology = parameters.setting.NetworkElementTechnology.NRMN_5G;