Why Throughput is Same for Different Type of Traffic


I’m simulating different traffic types (Video, HHTP, Gaming, VoIP) in the OpenStreetMap.m. But every time throughput is the same. Please, suggest what changes are required in the code.


Users5G = parameters.user.Poisson2D;
Users5G.nElements = 100;
Users5G.nRX = 1;
Users5G.channelModel = parameters.setting.ChannelModel.PedB;
Users5G.trafficModel.type = parameters.setting.TrafficModelType.ConstantRate;
Users5G.trafficModel.size = 94*5;
Users5G.trafficModel.numSlots = 2;
Users5G.numerology = 1;
Users5G.technology = parameters.setting.NetworkElementTechnology.NRMN_5G;
params.userParameters(‘5G’) = Users5G;

Hello mkm15,

the example scenarios included in the simulator usually have very short simulation durations in order to be able to produce exemplary results quickly. This can be a problem when employing more elaborate traffic models that have long wait times between packet generations leading to users without any traffic in the simulation duration and thus invalid results.

If you want to investigate the above-mentioned traffic models, I recommend increasing the simulation duration by setting the parameter params.time.slotsPerChunk to higher values. Keep in mind that the slot duration is in the order of milliseconds and that the HTTP mean reading time is 30 seconds, so a very large number of slots needs to be simulated to obtain sensible results with the HTTP traffic model.

Another thing to consider is that the throughput results represent the instantaneous throughput in a slot. Depending on the goal of your simulation, it might be necessary to aggregate the throughput in all slots to obtain a good measure of the amount of data received by a user.

I hope this helps, best regards,
